“This book shows you how the indigenous peoples of many regions of the world have always fermented their grains and legumes for improved nutrition, digestibility, and flavour. Any grains and / or legumes can be fermented using the organisms already on them. These methods are simple, and once you get the basic idea, it is very easy to substitute, vary, and experiment.”
Hi Todd,
I have recently been introduced to your book. So glad to have it!
Your book is great, it is a real time saver as I don’t need to spend hours searching for recipes which are activated, using seeds, gluten free and egg free!
And also tasty for my little ones lunches and suit his sensitive belly!
Thanks again,
Hello Stream.
I hope you are good and all family are happy.
Thanks again for this amazing method and for sharing. This is truly the first and best book for me to use constantly in my kitchen. I’m even bringing it on my Japan trip now.
Hi Todd,
Giulia here.
A friend of yours here in Edmonton,Canada, lent me your book, The activated grain method.
As time passed, I find myself more and more taken by and stimulated by your “method”, physically, mentally and energetically.
Needing to readjust my diet to a cold country, I started to reintroduce certain food like grains and seeds and, at times, having hard time digesting them. I thought I’d have to forget things like pancakes or cakes.
And then you came along..
The principle is ancient, was there for us to get it, and yet..
You bring it back to light and made it clear.
The more I get into it, the more it makes me happy about preparing my meals and inspired to share it with the people around me.
Thank you so much for such a gift!!
All my love,
‘The activated grain method’ has been my most loved companion in the kitchen in the last 3 years. I have been passionate about baking bread and cakes for many decades but had nearly stopped this altogether when I decided to be on gluten free diet. Only when I came across this book and the method explained
in it, my passion got reignited. It is the easiest, quickest and healthiest method to make bread and cakes. Easy and quick, because no kneading is required,
only blend up your soaked grains with whatever other ingredients and pour them into your lined baking tin. I always have soaked grains in my fridge so I can make pancakes or a cake anytime and at short notice. Healthy, because the grains are activated / soaked overnight. Soaking increases the nutrient value of the grain as well as extracting problematic compounds like phytic acid which can be discarded with the soaking water. This process makes the batter much more easy to digestible. Another aspect I love is, that there are so many options of grain and seed combinations to explore that you never get bored with your baked delights. Thank you Stream Todd Cameron for creating this wonderful book and sharing this information.
Todds knowledge and wonderfull nature is a blessing to the world.
His food is delicious and nourishing. Todds food and nutrition classes are informative and inspiring. His activated grain method is a winner and we all love it. I highly recommend him and the Activated Grain Method.
Todd / Stream teaches the activated grain method on our Vegan Chef training in
Byron Shire.
Thank you for sharing your immense knowledge and expertise in the Activated Grain Method. The chefs in training find the classes very informative and they enjoy testing out the recipes with your guidance, making breads, focaccia, pancakes, crackers and cakes. I find your classes of incredible value and feel very fortunate you teach the activated grain method on this training. I personally learn something new every time you come and facilitate.