When we wake up in the morning what is one of the first things we do each day? We open our mouths and pour or scoop and shovel.. liquid and solid foods into our bodies. Well perhaps we may first stretch and meditate or go for a walk and dabble in morning rituals but pretty soon we will be opening our mouths to consume little edible bites of the earth.
I ritualistically start my day of eating with fruit, seasonal sweet delights that come as a gift of the season. I know a few people around the world start the day with coffee in one of its endless aromatic variations or a cup of tea….. On it goes from there as we gobble our way through our days.
It is a pretty clear line to draw that the foods we are eating become the bodies we are feeding.
Could it be safe to say that the quality of the food that we feed our bodies becomes the quality of our bodies?
So this food we are eating, drinking, slurping and licking through out our days and nights… Where does it come from and what is it made of?
From the garden behind my house that I have lovingly nurtured! From the shops! From the factory or the farm or the farmers market!
From and of the earth, the soil, the elements.
The nutrients and minerals. Carbon and calcium. Nitrogen and potassium and all the other elements that come together in endless variety of forms.
Has the soil in which the foods we eat are grown in rich with the varied nutrients, elements and minerals that our bodies are made of and need regular extra additions of for it to thrive.
If the soil is rich in nutrients our bodies will be rich in those nutrients. If the soil is depleted our bodies may become depleted.
Could it be safe to say that the quality of the soil becomes the quality of our food which becomes the quality of our bodies and energy.
Of course its a pretty simple direct line to draw and so many other factors influence our health and vitality.
Got to go, its afternoon tea time and I’ve just made a triple layered banana spice cake with cashew cream.
Don’t panic its organic.